Friday, March 31, 2017

Pushing Through

Peolpe are telling me I'm an "inspiration" I'm "inspiring and inspirational." Thanks, but I'm none of that. I'm a human being doing the best I can with what I've got and I'm a person who's pushing through. Everybody's inspiring in their own way. Everybody is a model for someone who needs to see how you're pushing through, or going around, or going ovver the obstacle that's in yout way.

We're all being watched by someone else to cee how to cope with a trial that's currently a part of their life. How do you push though the trials you're living with now? What are you modeling for the folks around you, are part of your life, that you reveal to folks who know you only through Facebook? And we never know who's watching to se how you're copinf.

True story: S few decades ago, Mama and Daday were hit with some surprising that wasn't as commomplace then as it is today. But they faced it gracefully and modeled Christ in them. A little later, another couple in our area was faced with the same issue in their family. Years later, the woman from this second couple told me she rememebre how Mama dealt with it and her memoeries of Mama helped her handle it when it happened in her family!

We never know what people will rememebr and hold on to to get them through. They may tell us or they may not. They may be family or they may be folks we know or they may have heard our stories from others.

When I first started sharing about my melanoma, I wanted to push people to share theirs. I'm Bossy, not Inspiring. I still want to push peple to get out of their comfort zones and tell people what their dealing with. I want to push people to push others and share! Maybe what you're dealing with isn't about what you are dealing with! Join or create a group, talk face to face with someone who needs you and understands, write that blog or book, make that phopt album, write those songs, get out of your comfort zone and help someone. Push youself. Don't say "I can't"...say "I can" and then get the hekp you may need and do it. You may not write that best seller. But you know what? You won't write it if you don't push yourself and try!

I can push through writing but I also push myslef to live. If you read my last post you know about the constant pain I live with. And push through. I push me. I don';t want to inspire you to push...I want to tell you to push! I want to boss the hell out of you and tell you ti live as best you can while you can. Push through the when you need to, but then resume pushing. Push, rest, push, rest.

I can't stand up on my own strength, but it has taken some pushing to get to where I am. If you need a pity party, throw a good one, then push on! I speak with authority and with first hand experience.

Whule I'm pushing you around toeay, lisren to the ultimate Pusher. God blows in our lives. Right now He's blowing me as I sit in my sofa seat. I feel His Wind as I sit still. Be still and know. Where's God blowing you! Fokkow HIS lead and go where His Wind b,ows.

On Facebook, we each have a page of our memories of this day. Posts we did on that day howver many years ago...depending on how long we've been on FB. I wrote this post on my Attitude of Gratitude 5 years ago. God's at work here because this AOG post works beaurtifully with my post here today. Read and be blessed:

God's blowing. Pushing us. Moving in and on us. HE'S the one who truly inspires us. Me? I just try to push you into His path!


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