Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Skootching Queen...That's ME!

OK! If you read my last, and in this case...furst, post you'll know people have enjoyed my skootching! Who Knew? They borh got a lot of comments and one person called Skootching Queen and another was quick to comment that didn't ABBA write that? Well, that my brain thinking. Watch out for falling debris. My dear melabro wtites the blog Hotel Melanoma in which he rewrites the rock, and sometimes DISCO classics and gives them a melaanoma twist. He also has a FB page for that. Soooooo, taking a page from Rich, here's my take on ABBA's "Dancing Queen."

A Reworking of Abba’s "Dancing Queen" by Carol Taylor
Skootching Queen

You can’t dance, you can’t jive, but having time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Skootching Queen

Every night and the lights are low
So wishing for a place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You’d like to come to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
But night ain’t young nor’s the music's high
With a bit of rock music, all could be fine
You're in the mood for a dance
But when you get the chance...

You are the Skootching Queen, “young”, sweet, remember seventeen
Skootching Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can’t dance, you can’t jive, but having time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Skootching Queen

You're no teaser, don’t turn 'em on
They’re not burning and they want you gone
Not looking for another, no one will do
You wish in the mood for a dance
But when you get the chance...

You are the Skootching Queen, “young”, sweet, remember seventeen
Skootching Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can’t dance, you can’t jive, but having time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, digging the Skootching Queen

Back to me! OK, I did that song part of this post last night and was apparently having a good brain power mement...no red sqiggles except for skootching. I'm seeing a lot of squiggles elswwehere. Not so good brain power day for spelling. But that's pary of where I om. I know what I want to write, I see the right keys, but I dodn't HIT the right ones! Sometimes my sentences don't make sense. Nor do y paragraphs. Sometimes when writing and taling I search for the right word and can't find is and it's a simple word. Sometimes I sit and look at the keyboard and can't for the life of me find the letter I'm looking for. Sometimes I rememebre my commas a nd sometimes I don't,

I do better communicating when talking face to face. Every other way is up for grabs. The telephone is usually my nemesis. I can't talk onm  it for long as I lose my conceemtration and I lose my concentration when reading something. Just face itm Carol, I lose my concentration easluy no matter what! That's part of what brain surgery and raduiaotn on om brain did. But I can talk so I'm OK.  Thee was a time when I couldn't even do that eaasily.

Life is surely didfferrnt now and thats OK. I'm here for now and glad to be. Not complaining. When I started this blog yeastereday, I dsiad I'd be hoenesy about what my life is like now. This is just part of it. More to come. Hiopefully!

For now, I've come a lomg way since July when I was given a momth. I'm the Skootching Queen now! Sktchoot on! It's the new vraze!



  1. LOVE IT!!!! Rich has it perfect! LIVE LONG AND PROSPER SKOOTCHING QUEEN!!!!
